October 22nd , 2024   Follow us

Member Countries

This map is for illustrative purposes and is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or areas.

This list shows the status of countries in the ESAAMLG's regional network.

1.  Angola  

2.  Botswana  

3.  Burundi  

4.  Eritrea  

5.  Eswatini  

6.  Ethiopia  

7.  Kenya  

8.  Lesotho  

9.  Madagascar  

10.  Malawi  

11.  Mauritius  

12.  Mozambique   

13.  Namibia  

14.  Rwanda  

15.  Seychelles  

16.  South Africa  

17.  South Sudan  

18.  Tanzania  

19.  Uganda  

20.  Zambia  

21.  Zimbabwe